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A new way of solving the unique challenges founders face.

Unlock your business potential with DNA-Business, where Founders and SME's connect with top-tier Service Professionals ready to elevate your business.

Gone are the days of endless online searches for reliable expertise. Here, you discover a network dedicated to quality and tailored solutions.


The platform that connects Founders with Service Professionals.

Access trusted Pro's

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Connecting Founders and Service Professionals

to build successful businesses.

Building a successful business shouldn't be a solo journey.

We connect Founders with the top Service Professionals they need to turn their vision into reality.

Whether you're seeking expertise in Ai, Platforms & Marketplaces, Storytelling & Ghost Writing, Marketing, Software Development, Design, Finance, Legal or any other area, we have the perfect match for you.

Hear from our community
You're in good company.   Trusted by many.

"Almo's service was fast, productive, and I find him to be responsive, and available. The quality of his work is stellar. The care given in communication to make sure what is afforded and what I can ask for was also on point."

- Irmi , Clarity Studios

Are you ready?

Ready to transform your business vision into reality?

Contact us today to find the perfect Service Professional for your needs.

Let’s build something great together.

Schedule a free 15 minute call with the DNA founders for a quick intro.


In conversation with Founders.


Access expertise and inspiration for Founders. 

Tips, tricks, know-how and thoughts to fuel your business vision.

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A podcast for Founders and Creative Professionals who make a living while they’re making a difference.​​  We share their tips, tricks, and business hacks to solve challenges founders and business owners face.

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